Game: | Heroes III |
Map author: | GRIMRICKMER |
Added: | March 3, 2023 |
Downloads: | 207 |
Rating: |
Size: | Normal |
Players: | |
Difficulty: | Hard |
Map type: | Skirmish |
Victory condition: | Standard |
Teams: | |
Underground: | |
Custom modifications: |
Set everyones Starting Bonus to Artifact and then-BOOOOOOORING! You don’t wanna hear about that, ! You wanna hear about LOOT! AND PECS! AND EXPLOSIONS! THIS MAP HAS IT ALL!!! Play PVP or PVE or ALONE against BOTS! LOTS of QUESTING, LORE, and BOSSES! ALL ITEMS AVAILABLE!(99%true) MANY NEW HEROES NOT SEEN BEFORE! GET BOUNTY FOR DEFEATING POWERFUL HEROES!!
Every starting color plays very differently! Some start with mighty heroes! Some extra bases! Some questing! And some start with other fun and strong bonuses! They are each strong and carefully tweaked and balanced, try it out in a lobby to find out yourself! This is an epic battle between good and evil, between cowardice and heroism! BETWEEN GIANT METAL T-REXES AND THINGS THAT AREN’T GIANT METAL T-REXES!!!!! *sick guitar solo* “NEEEEDLEWEEDLEWOWWOWWO!!!” GRAB A SNACK AND GET READY FOR A HEROIC DOSE OF MIGHT AND MAGIC!!! |
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