Game: | Heroes VII |
Map author: | graxstar |
Added: | March 30, 2016 |
Downloads: | 2370 |
Rating: |
Size: | Normal |
Players: | |
Difficulty: | Hard |
Map type: | Scenario |
Victory condition: | Standard |
Teams: | |
Underground: | |
Custom modifications: |
“Winter Is Coming.” Inspired by George R. R. Martin’s “Game of Thrones.” In multiplayer you can represent the Kings (Haven), the Dragons (Dungeon), or the White Walkers (Necropolis). The Wall remains but there has been a breech underground. Starting enemy neutral creatures have been set to hard (200%). Unlimited hero leveling. |
Very good work. I really enjoy this one, even i expected the white walkers to be more powerful. You’re doing great job, and you are getting better and better.