Game: | Heroes VII |
Map author: | lyco |
Added: | November 9, 2015 |
Downloads: | 4129 |
Rating: |
Size: | Normal |
Players: | |
Difficulty: | Hard |
Map type: | Skirmish |
Victory condition: | Standard |
Teams: | |
Underground: | |
Custom modifications: |
Play this map on at last “Fast” creature grow rate, and “Many” creatures option! Good Luck and Have Fun! **Note: Artifact bug is FIXED** |
Hi, there is one defect, the player – green has advantage, at it if to go on the road the artifact without protection lies
Hi! Thank you for your feedback. Ill solve this problem soon as i can. Tonight, ill upload it.
Well done, very nice design for multiplayer or even AI. I like the compact artifacts and no portals. Please work on a large map similar to this one. I found one small bug where I could not pick up resources but otherwise I enjoyed this map a lot. Thank you.
Thank you dude! I working on a 1v1 map, but after it, ill do your request.
Im half way through playing it and i’ve got to say, i love it. Using hard and heroic enemies and ‘neutral enemy’ = many and fast growth. The map looks spectacular and well balanced. Some other maps are big and empty but this one is just right and the visual side looks awesome. And like the last person said, noticed one minor bug.. cannot pick up 2 resources standing right from the castle at upper left corner.. ‘path blocked’. But the map overall, well done mate and make more!
I like the map too. The two resources (blue start region, as described above) are not acessible. Also the Fort of yellow (not sure about the color atm, the player below blue) isnt asigned to his faction.
Nicely done Lyco, quite interesting to play indeed. Thanks for this, keep going.
Hi all!
I just want to tell you guyz, i am working on a 2v2 map atm. Its coming out at 2017. april 30. It will be a challenging map for competitive play.
Best Regards, Lyco