Game: | Heroes VII |
Map author: | A100N |
Added: | March 4, 2016 |
Downloads: | 2805 |
Rating: |
Size: | Normal |
Players: | |
Difficulty: | Medium |
Map type: | Scenario |
Victory condition: | Standard |
Teams: | |
Underground: | |
Custom modifications: |
Map (scenario) tells of a land in which suddenly appeared enemy … The northern part of the land is cut off so the expulsion of the invaders will not be the first task you need to perform … Note: Map and quest descriptions in Polish. WARNING – FULL PLAYABLE *Restless the times 1v3* ( map cooced, for better performance, smal size and no load in editor) UPDATE 1v3 – Fix one (last) blocking road… |
Guys, sorry i know, i use Polish language for all quests in this map, but who no understand PL lang, its really not big problem, always we have quest markers 🙂
RECOMENDED play to normal dificulty with low growth up for increase creatures incoming per week.
droga kolo 2 kopalni rudy jest zablokowana – nie da sie obok niej przejsc i zajac 2 zamku jak wynmaga quest. bug czy trzeba szukac drogii dookola?
Tak, okazalo sie, ze przed ostatnim zapisem zbugował sie edytor i zle zapisal “patchs” czyli miejsca dostepu (drog) naprawilem to juz. DZIS wysle te mapke ponownie. Jak to zrobie to napisze…
Wysle ja pewnie jak sie da linkiem w poscie a jak nie to updatuje…
ORG map have bugged some roads !!! <<< NO use download button !
Old saves not works, after replace this map u ned start New Game.
You can update the download link in “My files”. I edited the link for you now.
TMonto, ok, and thanks.
If i understund download link now have (good map) wer.
Yes, the link is now the new version.
1v1a bugged aswell. Near second castle road blocked.
Uh, very sorry, i propably fix map and upload old:(
WARNING – FULL PLAYABLE *Restless the times ©* ( map cooced, for better performance, smal size and no load in editor)
One of the best maps, congradulation! It would be nice to have an english version.
Alexander – hu, sorry, but my eng lang really bad, no good propably for nice translation:)
Use google translator please 🙂
Still have bug – road behind Arkath barrier is blocked but You can go around. Otherwise really good map!
Ypren, sorry but i finish the map and no no see anu bug, or road blocked.
Maybe u use old wersion this map ?
EDIT: True, no understund why, bot blocked…
I FIX this bug now and update map 🙂
check my map “END OF ELVES (1V2)”
and wait to next…
Now create big map + new hero and creatures:)
can not wait to see it… but english would be helpfull to understand the textes ): maybe try Google translator or I#m sure People would be willing to help with translation
Yes. now close to end my new pam:)
but u have for plau this map and “End of Elves” too 🙂
OMG -“plau” = play
“pam” = map 😀