Game: | Heroes VII |
Map author: | Cealdor |
Added: | November 27, 2020 |
Downloads: | 1810 |
Rating: |
Size: | Small |
Players: | |
Difficulty: | Medium |
Map type: | Skirmish |
Victory condition: | Standard |
Teams: | |
Underground: | |
Custom modifications: |
Ascension is an asymmetric map based on one from Heroes 3. It features special external dwellings, boats and a Tear of Asha. Update for online playing: The boats might cause crashes if (at least?) one player has the Steam version. This is unfortunately a game bug and not specific to Ascension. Update 2: “AI Friendly” version created. Thanks to MoritzBradtke for the suggestion. |
sweet map, thx for sharing (: i’ve experienced a crash offline as well, not SURE what happened but i like to watch AI playing sometimes and (dead) player 3(actually owned by player 2 already) town sent a caravan to player 2 town i think… left one to right one and when caravan arrived i think right player was doing some boat action and game crashed to deskop… no biggie tough, i like the map design (-: this is a good multiplayer map if it doesnt bug but it is fun offline as well…
thx for sharing the uncooked version as well!
something i would like to note i’ve noticed about the map: on one island are quite a few artifacts which arent guarded by an army, i guess that is because it is the smallest island but the AI has the behaviour that it will pick artifacts up more likey if they are guarded by an army, dont ask me why! actually i think it is better to place artifacts with armies because if it isnt guarded some support hero will pick it up very likely and AI cant trade artifacts(sad face)
it might not be so important for this map as it is very fast paced and heros die rather fast here anyway so artifacts will switch around anyway eventually and since it is more suited for player vs player but it is something i noticed and maybe it will help for future maps or if u think about changing it somehow, hope to see more maps (-:
I’m happy you liked it!
Oh darn, I had expected that map-related crashes could only occur online. I’m guessing it’s because of the boat and not the caravan (see the updated description above). Have you played other water maps with the AI and noticed any problem?
I left some artifacts unguarded simply because they are like that in the original. What a weird behaviour, but it kind of makes sense since I don’t think any of the standard maps feature unguarded artifacts anyway. They must have made the AI with the assumption that all artifacts will be guarded, so the AI maybe sees an unguarded pick-up-able thing as a resource pile instead of checking whether it’s an artifact. I tend to not play against the AI but that’s good to know.
I’ll upload an “AI friendly” version with a monster added to every unguarded artifact, or move them to a monster. Have you already made such an edit yourself? In that case I could receive it from you and give you credit if you’d like. If not then it’s a quick fix anyway 🙂
I remade this map since it’s both my favourite from Heroes 3 and very small. Now I’m in the process of making a mod and after that I’ll play every map on this site. That will keep me busy for a while but I might release more maps in the future 🙂
i didnt make such a modification myself yet, i was playing the whirlpool version, yes i once saw a similiar crash on sylvaan map 2, water map as well, it might be related to the whirpools but im not sure atm, i think the AI crashes teh game on some water maps, i still remember i once had to cheat to teleport to the AI to avoid it doing some action(maybe it was whirlpool, dont remember) as the game would always crash on the AI turn, this doesnt seem to happen always tough…
ive noticted the problem with arifacts on other official maps as well, some maps feature some unguarded artifacts or rather artifacts that are not placed close to a guard army, like seperated with a portal between or some steps away with a lot of rnd ressources between, the main AI hero will usually not collect the artifact but it does if there is little to medium space between the army and the artifact…
i wish u good luck luck on ure projects (-:
i wonder how u know that whirpools cause out of sync errors though, is that something u noticed because ure playing a lot online matches? i guess so
In that case I’ll make the new version from the whirlpool-free one just to be safe. Out of curiosity, how did you cheat?
Thanks for all the info! I appreciate you stating both what you know and what you think you remember 🙂
I desynced when testing the map with a friend. I already knew teleporters were like that, and since whirlpools behave similarly I assumed they have the same bug. It also seems that just boats cause crashes if one player (but not all?) have the Steam version of the game. This occurred both on Ascension and “Fire and Blood”.
I wouldn’t say I play a lot of online matches; most of them are against myself in hotseat 🙂
map should be fine for hotseat solo as it is quite small indeed…
well, if online play is a bugfest there is not much else u can do beside hotseat, so i think it is the best to do that, u could also try parsec, i dont play online but ive heard it works, so if u have a reliable online partner, u could even save game sessions and continue later as hotseat doesnt bug because parsec uses 1 computer…
if u want to cheat, open the game config.txt file, search for the “enable cheat” something entry and replace “false” with “true”, there is a little star above the UI on the down right place where u also end ure turn…
it opens a console with various cheats u can use, like teleporting around the map…
Hey! Just wanted to let you know I’ve updated the download with an AI friendly version 🙂
You can actually save in regular online games, but it’s a real pain when you get a save desync and have to reload a much earlier save. I’ve also been unable to connect to the Heroes servers lately. That’s why I’m super excited to hear about parsec; will definitely check that out.
Thanks for the cheat tip too!
no problem, thx for uptading the map a bit, will check it out for sure as i dont play multiplayer (-: i think for parsec u need a good upload rate as the host but it should be very stable if u can get it to work but sim turns wont work as it is basically singleplayer but someone else can acces ure computer, i think that is how it works but i have no clue about the specifics and how save is it to use
i think the top left player’s core creature dwelling (those with only 1 unit) is not linked with the faction, i always get shield guards from fortress i think but top right player’s one seems to match the choosen faction, maybe it is intended, i just report it in case it is a bug, i’ll let u know here if i find more curious things (:
ah, my mistake, actually it is the player most bottom with the shield guard dwelling
also, i think ur’re custom 1 unit core creature dwelings still have the default upgrade cost, they are too expensive too upgrade this way, actually upgrading creature dwellings on the map is the cheapest way to upgrade ure creatures, cheaper as upgrading all buildings in the town at last… and faster, it can be an interesting design choice i think so u might want to alter the costs by 1/3 or so, just an idea, idk if they should be cheaper anyway… but i’ve noticed it
I tried Parsec yesterday and it worked like a charm, though I do have a high upload rate. My friend had constant access to my mouse and keyboard basically, so it’s very close to the hotseat experience.
Actually, it is intended that all dwellings are unlinked, as that was the case for the original map. Were you perhaps playing Haven when checking the dwelling for the top right player (player 2)?
I appreciate all bug reports 🙂 I either get to improve the map or restore someone’s peace of mind.
In all my years playing, I never knew you could upgrade units at their upgraded dwellings. I refrained from touching the costs because for all dwellings (except the one with Griffins and Cavaliers), only one creature is offered but the growth is roughly tripled, so the total creature value is similar. I should reduce the costs, as you suggest. It should be as viable to upgrade them as to upgrade a town dwelling.