Game: | Heroes VII |
Map author: | Doctor |
Added: | December 10, 2023 |
Downloads: | 376 |
Rating: |
Size: | Big |
Players: | |
Difficulty: | Hard |
Map type: | Scenario |
Victory condition: | Customized |
Teams: | |
Underground: | |
Custom modifications: |
Brownie, Alvin and Patricia go to the borders of the Fireheads desert to finally finish off the magicians and save the captive Imri. After the soul reunion ritual, Brownie is no longer the same young and ambitious kid. He became a wise ruler, in whom the forces of Elrath and Malassa inexplicably combined. As always, during the passage you will find a lot of battles with strong armies, a full-fledged underground world, quests of varying complexity, dialogues and modified cities and heroes… There are two versions of the game in the archive: in Russian and English. I would appreciate every feedback. |
once saved it cant be loaded next day
any help
the same is with map WAR 8 KINDOM