Game: | Heroes VII |
Map author: | lyco |
Added: | April 18, 2017 |
Downloads: | 4042 |
Rating: |
Size: | Normal Broad |
Players: | |
Difficulty: | Impossible |
Map type: | Skirmish |
Victory condition: | Standard |
Teams: | |
Underground: | |
Custom modifications: |
Play this map on at last “Fast” creature grow rate, and “Many” creatures option! GL&HF Change Note: ***Portal bug fixed*** ***Reduced foliage for faster loading*** ***Balance Changes*** |
I can’t get past the loadingscreen unfortunately
For me the loading took about 10 minutes, but eventually the map loaded fine.
Thats becouse the map has a lot of landscapes… im sorry
Btw my loading time is like 20 sec with an i5-4690 3.5 GHZ processor and ofc its on SSD.
Thanks, i’ve been to restless then.
Great and fun map, thanks alot.
The map is good to Play. I had fun till 1 Point…
The Teleporter from Underground south to Underground North or otherwise are not linked???
Could you repair this?
Thx for the good map, with the working Teleporters it could be even better.