Game: | Heroes VII |
Map author: | graxstar |
Added: | April 17, 2020 |
Downloads: | 2146 |
Rating: |
Size: | Big |
Players: | |
Difficulty: | Medium |
Map type: | Skirmish |
Victory condition: | Standard |
Teams: | |
Underground: | |
Custom modifications: |
The evil hordes of the Netherdark have created portals to the surface. There are rumors that there is a passageway to the netherdark, but only a tried and tested hero may pass through the gate. The Prophets were able to convince three towns of the danger but the other surface dwellers will not heed your warnings. They are only interested in squabbling amongst themselves, even though the raids from the netherdark could start at any moment. This leaves The Prophets no choice but to conquer as they go. It will be a fight to save the world.
This map was created using the Unofficial Community Patch (UCP) developed by Antalyan and others in the community of unpaid bug-fixers of HoMM7. Thank you so much! |
Thank you so much for this work
Please Graxstar build new Hotseat map for 4-6 players. 🙂
My friends have already played all the maps. I have no maps to play with.
This was a great map to play Graxstar, well laid out, lots of fun and hours of play. Keep them coming please :). as Xardavius commented a Hot Seat map for 4 plus players would be incredible to get