Game: | Heroes VII |
Map author: | jahlov3 |
Added: | October 14, 2015 |
Downloads: | 4171 |
Rating: |
Size: | Big |
Players: | |
Difficulty: | Medium |
Map type: | Scenario |
Victory condition: | Standard |
Teams: | |
Underground: | |
Custom modifications: |
Our scouts have found a way to get to the Shantiri Ruins.
They talk about a place where rain never stops, maybe the sun made them crazy.
We have to go and check and we must get there for first.
Suggestions for the map :
1- Set Limited resources
2- Set the moob spawn rate and the neutral moob in Normal or all my configurations will be fucked ^_^
3- Play the map in multi with your friends
4- I know u can’t choose your Hero but i can’t do anything right now.. Ask the reason @ Ubi
Hi jahlov,
Downloaded your map and will try it out. Thanx.
I would like to publish my own maps in the future. Can you download your own maps from this site. Or does it need some kind of approval or activation from the site mods.
My question has been answered by TMonto.
I`ll be checking your map to see what you have done. Thanx for sharing.
hey 😀 np mate tnx for your download and time
I will wait your map ^_^
and im working on a new map 😛
guys im waiting your comments \ vote \ suggestion about the map
I found a lot of bug and a lot of way for troll it 😀 if anyone need help just ask ( i mean in the editor )
Been playing this for a moment (a bit over a month in) and I’m liking this map very much. A lot of stuff to do, feels like an original H7 map so far. The only minor complaint I have is that the quests started completing maybe a bit early and the awards may be helping a bit too much. But definitely going to keep playing this one 🙂
Tnx Tmonto 😀
well i can change some quest or the reward ^_^
im waiting other suggestion first 😀
I`ll try to give my oppinion when i`ve got the time. I`m split between painting with aquarell paint on a huge 50×50 board. A dragon flying over a landscape which i would like to use in my map somehow. For Academy. And making a headstart on my map. Since most of my time spend on the editor is wasted until now Trying to find my way around things when i`m stuck. These issues have been dealt with. Right now i`ll be very interested what you have done with sidequest, scenery, narrative and map balance.
I`ve loaded you map.
Right now i feel that the map could feel a bit empty, when creatures and resources have been gathered. Some more work could have been done on the mountain formations sculpting. To make it feel less repetitive. The map could use more props like rocks or dead trees, sceletons etc in the desert areas.
The middle of the map is amazing. I like the rocks sticking out of the water and the entrance across the bridges. The part with the 2 statues is nice looking, so are the stone walls. Most of the things that do add to the scenery are well placed.
I love the amount of sidequest. I havent played the map but i do like to try them out.I would like to see more narrative. At least an introduction on the first day. A bit of character to the map. And a reminder what you should aim for some time later. Just my preference
i also feel that more could have been done on hight difference. A lot of the map takes place on the same level. There are some difference in hight but you could play a bit more with it. It is not that hard to do and has a nice effect.
jahlov 3,
Do you have an idea why i can not use narrative when i save my map in editorworkspace. But can in advanture maps.
Hey mate tnx 4 post 😀
1- i know i do not use the full map but is useless when the editor is bugged : You can’t link dimension portal ( well i find a way for do it ) and other things
2-The sidequest seems too easy but it was my first try and the quest editor is Bugged you can’t choose everything u want,
3- Is a Mirror map, all player have the same things and the same quest im just looking for a good way for do a Balanced pvp map
4-And yes u have totaly right about the ” Same LvL ” i’m not rly able with it im just working on it 🙂
5- I rly don’t know how to help u with Narrative i’m 100% sure it’s bugged .. I never use it I’m done with the other bug I don’t want new Bug 😐 but just try all u need for narrative at the start of the new map
I mean : Create a NEW RMG then don’t save don’t close it work about the narrative and do all u need with it, then save it and maybe it will work ( MAYBE )
ps: sry 4 my English i know it sucks xD
your english is fine. Its not my first language as well.
I`ve had a lot of issues with naratives not working. I thought i solved it when i reinstalled homm7 for the third time. But now i have the same problems all over again. I think it has something to do with saving maps in the wrong file. Or giving it the wrong name.
Reinstalling homm7 again right now.
when you create a map with the automatic generator, you have to add everything you want straight away, you cannot save, quit and relaunch the editor or it won’t work.
if you save the map, quit the editor and relaunch it again, the map works, but you cannot add new thinghs, you cannot link portal or underdark gateways, you cannot link whirpools and in sidequests you cannot tell to go and conquest castle X located Y
Maybe for the Narrative is the same
When the scripting tool worked perfectly. I could save and quit the editor as much as i liked. It is not working wether i save my map or not.
I rly don’t know how to help u 😐 100% u have to wait the next patch or more 🙁
yeah, i`m probably stuck again. Better wait a bit.
Well do a map without it 😀
Where shall I be making a copy from the downloaded map?
madar 51,
My copy was placed in advanture maps c:drive. unzipped.
very nice map, I enjoyed it
keep up the good work
tnx 🙂