Guides: Might & Magic: Heroes VII .ini changes

INI files store most of the game’s video, audio and gameplay preferences. The changes are not supported by the game creators, and you are doing the edits at your own risk. Please edit the files only if you feel confident about it and know what you are doing, as incorrect modifications can make the game unplayable.

If you have any working .ini modifications that are not listed here, you can send them to us and we’ll include them in the guide.

Location: \My Documents\My Games\Might & Magic Heroes VII\MMH7Game\Config\MMHGame.ini

Line 198

Adventure Speed default, 1.0 = 100%. You can try adjusting this value if the ingame setting keeps resetting when loading a save.

Line 199

AI Speed default, 1.0 = 100%. You can try adjusting this value if the ingame setting keeps resetting when loading a save.

Line 200

Combat Speed default, 1.0 = 100%. You can try adjusting this value if the ingame setting keeps resetting when loading a save.

Line 278
mDebugCheats = False

Set to “True” to enable cheat window in the game.

One comment on “Might & Magic: Heroes VII .ini changes

  1. Hello Guys! I have a big Problem.

    at first, sorry for my bad English. i am a newbee in Modding and got all needed Programms to Mod HoMM7. I can change the script and change names and such things, but i cant work on the visuals.. The unreal engine 4 donĀ“t read the upk. data, so i installed the Unreal engine 3, wich had the same Problem. I also tried another Programms but nothing can read them. So i tried to change a mod of another users her. Simple visuals wich i wanted to look, if my engine can read them. but no chance..

    It can`t be all Data Corruptet, i mean, another people made this Mods, so it is possible to read and change the Datas.

    Are you can Help me? i am absolutely motivatet to make a great german Mod with nice visuals and cool, fancy scrpits!

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