Guides: HoMM 4 Cheats
These codes are confirmed working on the GOG Heroes of Might & Magic 4 Complete version.
To use the codes, hit TAB and type in the code you want to use.
nwcares | Win combat |
nwcachilles | Lose combat |
nwcvalhalla | Win scenario |
nwcragnarok | Lose scenario |
nwcthoth | Gain a level |
nwcathena | Select any skill to your hero |
nwcisis | 1000 Mana and all spells |
nwchermes | 10,000 movement points |
nwcprometheus | Reveal minimap |
nwcsphinx | Reveal treasure map |
nwcambrosia | 300 of each resource and 200,000 gold |
nwccityoftroy | Build everything |
nwcnibelungenlied | Gives the Ring of Greater Negation |
nwcettubrute | Gives the Dagger of Despair |
nwcaphrodite | In battle, transform hero into a rocker |
nwcaphrodite | In battle, transform hero into an old man |
nwctristram | 20 Crusaders |
nwclancelot | 20 Champions |
nwcstmichael | 20 Angels |
nwcsevenlittleguys | 20 Dwarves |
nwcmerlin | 20 Magi |
nwccronus | 20 Titans |
nwcblahblah | 20 Vampires |
nwchades | 20 Devils |
nwcunderthebridge | 20 Trolls |
nwckingminos | 20 Minotaurs |
nwcxanthus | 20 Nightmares |
nwcfafnir | 20 Black Dragons |
nwcdoyousmellbrownies | 20 Sprites |
nwcfenrir | 20 Wolves |
nwcfixmyshoes | 20 Elves |
nwcthelast | 20 Unicorns |
nwcra | 20 Phoenixes |
nwcvalkyries | 20 Ogre Magi |
nwcgrendel | 20 Behemoths |
nwcposeidon | 20 Sea Monsters |
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