Game:Heroes VII
Mod author:Sundaynights
Last updated:October 31, 2016 at 19:53
(1 votes)

Here is a new Champion Creature the Wild Pixie.

It is based on an old concept art from the Might and Magic World.


I did this in my private time and it is far from perfect, but I hope you will enjoy it. You can mod it into your own creations or put it on your maps.


Known issues:

– Animations for “Scent of Wildflower” and “Leaf in the Wind” do not play

– Some of the Effects are not visible (do not play?) during combat (but are visible in the Animation Editor

– There are no sounds for this creature

– The Creature might not be balanced (feel free to make suggestions)

– Creature has no heropedia entry

– The Creature did not get tested with all possibilities, feel free to let me know if you find an issue

– Map has no description (sry for being lazy, but the mapname says everything) – and it is only for those of you who want to test the pixie before using in your own map 🙂


If anyone of you has a fix for those issues, let me know 🙂


What this creature is and can do:

The Creature is a 1×1 tile Champion Creature

– week melee attack/retaliation

– Scent of Wildflower: there is a 20% chance that the aura will remove attack and retaliation ability of enemies (will refresh when a new combat round starts); will appear when the enemy is not inside the aura anymore

– Leaf in the Wind: A luck based evasion possiblity to incomming attacks (melee, ranged and hero attacks)

– Prism: After taking magical damage (ranged and spells – not own hero spells) the creature will reflect random magic damage to all enemy creatures; the damage is based on creature stack size and hero level


– This upload contains two testmap versions (one for vanilla one for add on) – just in case 😉 and the Creature Package

I have my Creature located here:

\…\steamapps\common\Might & Magic Heroes VII\MMH7Game\CookedPC\Editor\Templates

And the Maps here:

\…\steamapps\common\Might & Magic Heroes VII\MMH7Game\CookedPC\Maps\Skirmish

You should fine the Maps than in the Game:

-> Multiplayer -> Hotseat -> Adventure Create -> scroll down